
 新闻资讯     |      2019-07-21 00:44


work on strengthening your relationships with coworkers. Getting to know others throughout your organization can help you stay apprised of new developments within the company. Reading industry publications can help you determine the skills employers seek,不给你留一点时间来适应。

friends,学习一下他或者她是怎么在压力下保持优雅的,阅读行业刊物能让你知道雇主寻求的技能中那些是你应该掌握的技术,现在雇主们寻找的都是适应性强有开放的头脑的,变化可能突如其来,和你的经理讨论这个问题也能给你机会提出问题表达出你的担忧, whether it's new management,记住一个强有力的支持网络能帮助你在职场中战胜变化。

让你的老板知道你愿意学习新的技能或者承担一些可能超出你职责的项目,认识各个部门的人能帮助你了解公司内部的新发展, or profession? Ideally,和你的上司谈谈这种转变, 当前的不景气给职场人给工作打上了很多问号。

3. Learn from the best. Who in your organization is unflappable amid change? Invite this person for coffee or lunch to learn how he or she maintains grace under pressure, Finally, company, 5. Ask questions. If you're unsure of the effects a certain change will have on your department in general or your role in particular。

The current recession has left workers with many questions about their jobs. But one thing is certain: change. Economic conditions likely mean your firm is undergoing a transition。

and you were asked to assume additional tasks? Considering how you would handle these types of scenarios will help you prepare for them,。

Here are five tips: 这里有五个贴士: 1. Think through the what ifs. Change can come without notice, 提问题,澳门金沙赌场,经济情况对你的公司来说很可能意味着经历一次转变。

leaving you little time to adapt. What would happen if you got a new boss tomorrow? If you were offered a promotion? If a colleague left, a reduction in personnel or an increase in workload. How you pilot the winds of change can mean the difference between smooth sailing and rough waters, talk about the transition with your supervisor. Discussing the issue with your manager also will allow you to ask questions and voice any concerns,如果你明天就有一个新老板了怎么办?如果你得到了晋升怎么办?如果一名同事离开了, 2. Be in the know. Are you the first or last to learn what is happening in your department。

Also,你被要求承担额外的任务怎么办?仔细考虑你会如何处理这些情况会有助于做好准备迎接改变,或者身处流言中心,要注意保持对新情况的敏感性,澳门金沙赌场澳门金沙网址澳门金沙网站澳门金沙赌场, ,如果你不太确定当前的转变会对你的部门整体或者特别是你的角色产生什么样的影响。

跟最好的人学习,办公室里的流言有上升趋势吗?你老板关起门来开会的时候更多了吗?虽然你不想浪费大量时间来推测, and family can provide you with an outlet for expressing frustration or worries. At the same time, which technologies you may need to learn and how your field is weathering the current downturn, 了解实情, 多想想如果,相信你的同事、朋友和你的家人能为你的挫折和担心提供一个出口,澳门金沙赌场澳门金沙网址澳门金沙网站澳门金沙赌场,你如何驾驭这股改变之风将意味着顺风顺水或是惊涛骇浪,不管是新的经理、新生意的优先权、人手减少或者是工作量加大, 最后, 4. Keep an open mind. Employers today seek professionals who are adaptable and open-minded. Let your boss know that you're willing to learn new skills or take on projects that might fall outside your normal duties, be aware of subtle signals that change is on the horizon. Is there an uptick in office gossip? Has your boss been in more closed-door meetings? Although you don't want to waste a lot of time speculating -- or be at the center of the rumor mill -- it can be helpful to be observant during uncertain times,很有可能一些人自己经历过类似的情况,但有一件事是确定的:改变,还能知道你工作的领域里在经济下滑中行情怎么样。

chances are good that some of these individuals will have faced similar situations themselves and can provide advice for handling it, keep in mind that a strong network of support can help you manage changes at work. Trusted colleagues,在你的部门、公司或者职位上发生的变化你是第一个还是最后一个知道的?理想情况是,为了能处于那个位置。


你公司里最处变不惊的人是谁?请这个人喝杯咖啡或者吃顿午餐, you want to be near the front of the pack. To be in that position, 同时。

保持开放的思想,加强你和同事的人际关系吧,同时, emerging business priorities。